Benzon T., Honorio

Practical management of pain / Honorio T. Benzon - 5 edición - Filadelfia : Elsevier, 2008 - 1115 páginas : ilustraciones, esquemas, figuras, gráficos y tablas.

Contiene: apéndices, índice analítico y referencias bibliográficas.

The history of pain medicine. Taxonomy and classification of cronic pain syndromes. A review of pain processing pharmacology. Psychosocial aspects of cronic pain. History ad physical examination of the pain patient. Electromyography and evoked patentials. Radiologic assessment of the patient with spine pain. Psychological and behavioral. Postoperative pain and other acute pain syndromes. Pediatric acute pain management. Low back pain. Neurosurgical approaches to pain management. Cancer pain. Neurophatic pain syndromes. Pharmacologic psychological, and physical medicine treatments. Major opioids and chronic opioid. Antidepressants as analgesics. Acupunture. Pain and addictive disorders: challenge and opportunity. Nerve block techniques. Intraarticular analgesia. Interventional techniques. Pain management in special situations and special topics. Research, ethics, and reimbursement in pain. Clinical trial desing methodology for pain outcome studies. Future directions and trends in pain medicine.



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